Ground anchors for motorcycles

Dirtbolt ring type anchors act as permanent or temporary fixing points, and hammer directly into open ground, including lawn, soft or hard soil, compacted ground etc.

Dirtbolt AT type motorcycle ground anchorWhy bother with low-tech anchors?

Many classic and vintage bikes have only basic ignition locks, dirtbikes and dirtbikes converted for road use generally have no ignition or steering locks. Obviously modern bikes have efficient alarms and immobilisers which prevent them being ridden away, but still the most practical deterrent is chaining to a fixed object.

The Dirtbolt security anchors are not designed to compete with the plethora of bike security products available, but rather, offer a chaining point where none would be generally available, eg. at dirtbike parc fermés, bike fairs, in rented properties, through shed floors etc.

If you don’t need the top ring, we offer the Ed16mm range which have a 5/8″ hole in the top to padlock to. The 1½” x 27″ AT and the 2″ x 27″ AT are the best sellers in the ring anchor range, but there are many others.

Installing and removing Dirtbolt security anchors

Hammer the anchor in with a sledge hammer, to almost ground level, it will cut its own thread with each hammer blow, that’s it! to get it out if needed, unwind it with a bar or adjustable wrench – it doesn’t get much easier than that! When chaining, use a short chain tightly around the wheel, the chain prevents the anchor from being rotated.

Be realistic about bike security

If someone is determined to steal your particular bike then chains and anchors are unlikely to prevent them. The main use of our anchors and the plethora of bolt on types is to make stealing your bike more difficult, more risky and more time consuming than stealing someone elses. We’ve heard comments that the ring could be cut through, if you grip the ring in the workshop vice then try sawing through it, yes it’s possible, but try the same thing at ground level and while it’s moving around, you’ll find it’s almost impossible.

Standard Hellanker in lawn

Honda tlr 250 chained with Hellanker anchor


ED16 Hellanker anchor in lawn

Honda xr with Hellanker anchor


Hellanker ring type anchors.
To fit these anchors, you’ll need a sledge hammer, a Hellanker ring type anchor, a chain and padlock, plus about 5 minutes of spare time.

Honda tlr ready for anchoring

Hammer the Hellanker down, it will cut a thread as it spirals down

Ring anchor in ground

Fit the lock and chain

Hellanker ring anchor with Honda tlr

About 5 minutes later, this TLR Honda will be  a lot more secure.

Close up of Honda with Hellanker anchor


Video of installing a Motorcycle anchor

Video of removing a bike anchor


Link to fitting instructions